Performance Analysis Tool

SqrPlus compiler is used to generate Call Trace Version of your sqr program. Execution of Call Trace version produces a log file(*.tlg) with detailed trace. Performance Analysis Tool utility analysis this log file to produce a graphical report which tells where most of the time is being spent.

Just 3 steps to find how your Sqr program is performing:

  • SqrPlus Compile of your Sqr Program (say demo03.sqr). This creates c:\sqrplus\sqr\demo03.ctr.
  • Run as normal (Sqr is demo03.ctr). This creates c:\temp\demo03.tlg.
  • Analyse Call Trace log - c:\temp\demo03.tlg. (Utility->Analyse SqrPlus Trace File).

This utility requires SqrPlus Workbench and SqrPlus Compiler.

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